5 Ways To Save On Your Heating Bills
Did you get a fright when your last heating bill came through the door?
Heating your home is an unavoidable expense, unless you want to jet off to a warmer climate. But before you book those tickets to Australia, there are some things you can do about it, besides turning off the heat and prancing about the house in your Winter coat and boots.
Here are five simple ways to save on your heating bills:
1. Change The Way You Pay
If you are still paying your heating bills by cash or cheque then find yourself a computer and upgrade to online payments. Most energy companies reserve their best deals for online customers.
Paying by cash and by cheque is expensive, only do it if you have to.
While your online, look at bundling your gas and electricity together, often you can save about €100 doing this. Just be careful that you are still getting the best deal and there are no hidden charges.
Switch your bills from paper to paperless and save the trees, some companies even reduce your costs because you are going paperless.
2. Put on a cardigan
If you turn your thermostat down just one tiny degrees you can shave 10% off your heating bill. If you are wandering around your house in a t-shirt in the middle of January pop on a cardigan and drop the thermostat – it’s good for your wallet, and the environment too.
Keep the windows and doors closed if the heating is turned on and turn off the radiators in rooms you are not using.
If you are out and about for most of the day make sure you don’t leave the heating on. If you are setting a timer make sure it only comes on when necessary.
3. Close the Curtains
Keep those curtains closed at night to keep the heat from escaping.
Try a simple draught-blocker for doors.
A hot water bottle in bed is a cheap way to keep cosy. You can pick them up form the likes of Tesco for under €5.
New windows will make a huge difference to your heating bills, if you are shopping for new windows, be sure to ring around and get a few quotes. Don’t be afraid to haggle.
4. Grants
If your house is older than 2006, you can apply for a grant from the Sustainable energy authority (www.seai.ie) to upgrade your oil, gas boiler and insulation.
5. Replace Your Boiler
Getting rid of an old boiler can save you dramatically over time. If your boiler is over 15 years old is is probably adding a huge chunk to your energy bills. A boiler will eat up 79% of your total fuel usage so it makes sense to consider a new one.
If your boiler is relatively new make sure to get it serviced once a year for safety reasons and to keep it at maximum efficiency.
If you would like to schedule a boiler service, call our North Side Office: 01 840 9425 or our South Side Office: 01 490 1066.