Keeping Warm in Winter – A Guide

Happy parents and  son warming near warm heater

Winter is here again – and with it, for many of us, comes worries of higher energy bills and keeping warm.

As energy prices continue to rise, it’s advisable for all of us to do what we can to reduce what we use and make the most of our heat! Keeping warm is especially important for children and the elderly – make sure your loved ones are warm this winter.

We have put together this handy guide to help you and your loved ones stay warm – and save money – this winter.

Switch your tariff

It’s always worth calling your energy provider, and asking them to check if there are any better price plans for you that could save you money. Even just a few euros a month will make a difference. If your current energy company can’t offer you a better deal, you can always use price comparison websites to compare tariffs from different companies.

Heat what you need

Turn radiators in rarely ­used rooms down or off entirely. Focus the heat in the rooms that are used the most, like your living room and bedrooms. It’s often worth getting into the habit of turning bedroom radiators off in the morning, but switching them back on long enough before bedtime in the evening so the rooms are nice and warm. If you are using an electric heater or any other kind of portable heater, only use it in the room you’re in and make sure the heater you’re using is efficient – certain types are better for certain purposes.

Keep heat in

Heat loss can cause a huge dent in your energy bills – once you’ve used that heat, find ways to keep it in your home! If you can invest in insulation, it’s worth every penny – loft insulation and cavity wall insulation can make a huge difference to how much heat is lost in your home. Keep curtains closed at night (even in rooms you aren’t using) to help retain heat, and invest in (or make) draught excluders for use in doorways and even windows. Making a draught excluder is easy –take an old stocking (or cut the leg off an old pair of tights), stuff it with rags and tie at the end. If you don’t have double glazing, you can buy insulating film – this stretches over the windows and is affixed with the heat of a hairdryer, giving an extra layer against the cold. If you suspect heat is escaping through window draughts, you can buy draught excluding tape for use along the window frame.

Layer up

Snuggling up in warm layers is a cosy and comforting way of keeping warm when it’s cold outside. Buy cheap jumpers and blankets from charity shops and always have more than you think you’ll need. Soft dressing gowns, jumpers, thermal clothing, thick socks and fleece blankets are excellent for keeping you warm when the temperature drops.