Gas Company

There are numerous gas companies in Ireland. There are four main domestic gas suppliers in Ireland. Airtricity, Bord Gais Energy, Electric Ireland and Flogas Natural Gas Ireland. These gas companies also supply industrial and commercial customers competing alongside Gazprom, Phoenix Energy, Vayu Ltd and Viridian Energy Ltd. No matter which gas company you use it is Bord Gais Networks that connects all customers to the network. Gas companies are always competing against their rivals and there are often savings to be made if you are a new customer or by switching supplier. It is important to check the costings before signing up to a particular company to ensure that you get the best deal. Most gas companies will claim to offer something different that sets them apart from the competition so word of mouth can often be a deciding factor. It can often pay dividends to speak to friends and family to discover if they have had positive or negative experiences with a particular gas company.